Api Reference > Introduction


Understand general concepts and response codes.

What is kamiPay?

kamiPay offers a flexible framework to integrate Pix Payment into your existing services. With kamiPay integration with Pix you can offer your users the possibility to Receive a Payment from a bank account in Brazil or to Pay to a BankAccount in Brazil internationally while having the possibility to receive your payment in local currency or stablecoin.

What are kamiPay APIs?

kamiPay API features powerful endpoints that simplify a complex Fiat to Crypto operation into a simple set of APIS.

In our API set you will find:

  • Oracles: to get real time exchange rate information.
  • Pix Generation: to generate a Pix Payment request.
  • Status: To get information about payment status.
  • WebHooks: To get push notifications about status changes.
  • Pix Payment: To understand how to Pay to a Brazilian account.

We will feature also a set of additional endpoints where local FIAT offramp is available

Supported blockchains

We support Polygon Blockchain for API connectivity. Specific Tron Support can be provided on demand basis.


In order to use our APIs you will need to be provided by an API-User/Secret.

Please Contact Us for more information.

If you have already obtained the API-User/Secret, check Authentication to get the access token and start using our APIs.

Base URL

The kamiPay API is built on REST principles. We enforce HTTPS in every request to improve data security, integrity, and privacy. The API does not support HTTP.

When you first connect you'll get Development Credentials where the base url is

Once your project is ready to go to production, we'll provide you access to

Response codes

kamiPay uses standard HTTP codes to indicate the success or failure of your requests.

In general, 2xx HTTP codes correspond to success, 4xx codes are for user-related failures, and 5xx codes are for infrastructure issues.

200Successful request.
400Check that the parameters were correct.
401Check that authentication credentials were correct.
5xxIndicates an error with kamiPay servers.