Paying Pix v1

Paying Pix v1

This endpoint allows you to make payments from USDt to any given Pixkey, which will reflect the balance in seconds into any bank account in Brazil.

Clients will be given a dedicated address to load up funds in USDt and Matic for gas. From those funds payments will be made

If you set the currency as BRL then the amount will be paid exactly unless the payment hits after the rate changes and the change is significant so payment will be returned. If you set the amount in USDt then it'll be converted into BRL at the time of arrival with the actual exchange rate

❕ Minimum of 3 BRL is required for payments.

kamipay_id: as part of our Pay Service, we provide our users with a kamipay_id that can be used to monitor a specific transaction until operation is finalized.

external_id: users interacting with payments should provide their own id of this operation. This is of great importance as it brings several benefits:

  • if there is any problem during execution of the payment, the api_user can safely retry without risk of payments being executed twice. kamiPay will validate if that external_id was already used and in such case it'll return the original successful response.
  • webhooks and status endpoints can be queried and will include external_id information. Which is a more secure way of interacting with this endpoint.

Body Parameters

'BRL' | 'USDT'

If you set the currency as BRL the endpoint will pay the exact number. If the money arrives and the oracle changes in the middle, then the tolerance is 50cts USDT otherwise payment will fail and money will be returned. Note: To avoid this, the oracle provides timeout so if you want to pay an exact number, make sure to only send payments with enough seconds before the oracle rate changes

If you set the currency in USDt, it'll show how many BRL are expected to be paid, but the payment will be made even if the oracle changes. So if you send a payment very close from the timeout, do expect minor fluctuations in the final amount


Specifies the amount being sent, expressed as a float.


Represents the PIX key for the recipient, which could be CPF, CNPJ, email, phone, or a PIX key.


Specifies the sender wallet address.


Our partner's internal transaction identifier.

const url = "baseURL/v1/payments/payToPixKey"
const body = {
  "currency": "BRL",
  "amount": 4.10,
  "pix_key": <<CPF/CNPJ/email/Phone/pixkey>>, 
  "from_address": "0x1c0aCF853xxxxx9488fEdce1ab4"
  "external_id": "aaa-11112"
const response = await fetch(url, {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${access_token}`,
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify(body),

Response samples

  "status": "ok",
  "kamipay_id": "txc_01j3vrcvqbfn7tdsstdrm0xexa",
  "data": {
    "status": "broadcasted",
    "transaction_hash": "0x711e9ccbe828eb8xxxxxxxx9779190042d7c206b350dc98f7e209e1e",
    "usdt_amount": 0.7267
  "external_id": "aaa-11112"